Photoflow 1.2.6 download
Photoflow 1.2.6 download

Photoflow 1.2.6 download

PhotoFlow is in a early development stage. User-friendly interface to develop new tools and image filters as external plugins.Support for common photo editing tools: levels, curves, brightness-contrast control, blurring, sharpening, cropping, resizing, colorspace conversions, etc., all implemented in the form of image layers.Support for layer grouping and layer masks.

Photoflow 1.2.6 download

Fully color managed workflow: user-defined input, work and output profiles, soft-proofing, etc.Allows to load and edit images of arbitrary size, thanks to the underlying rendering engine based on the VIPS library.Plugin-based architecture: new tools can be implemented as separate modules that are loaded at runtime.

Photoflow 1.2.6 download

Support for 8-bits and 16-bits integer as well as 32-bits and 64-bits floating point precision, selectable at runtime and on a per-image basis.Fully non-destructive, layer-based photo editing workflow with realtime preview of the final image.The aim of the project is to provide a fully non-destructive photo retouching program that includes a complete workflow from RAW image development to high-quality printing. Creating and using luminosity masks with PhotoFlow (inspired from Patrick David's blog).

Photoflow 1.2.6 download

  • How to match the Nikon in-camera jpeg colors with PhotoFlow.
  • How to process a RAW image in PhotoFlow.
  • Non-destructive Orton effect in PhotoFlow.
  • Patrick depoix ( G+): French translator.
  • Andreas Katifes ( G+): beta tester, tutorial maker and motivation booster.
  • Olivier Samyn ( homepage, COPR): packager and beta tester.
  • Joermungand ( G+, AUR): packager and beta tester.
  • Dariusz Duma ( G+, blog, PPA): packager, blogger and beta tester.
  • Project maintained by aferrero2707 Hosted on GitHub Pages - Theme by mattgraham Contributors: A fully non-destructive photo retouching program providing a complete RAW image editing workflow

    Photoflow 1.2.6 download